Etant dans le monde de la reconstitution depuis de nombreuses années, et ayant des liens très étroits avec les vétérans du 94 ème BG depuis maintenant 1998, ayant participé à de nombreuses commémorations impliquant l'USAAF, j'ai décider de me lancer dans la reconstitution de l'US ARMY AIR CORPS et plus particulièrement tout ce qui touche le 94 ème Bomb Groupe affecté à la 8 ème Air Force. SinceJanuary 2005 we decided (with 3 others re-enactors) to create our own re-enactment association, witch is now offically registered. Every years it is such an honor for me to host my friend Wilbur Richardson who was a ball turret gunner on board of the B17 named "Kismet". He's actually my technical history manager. He's the man who mounted my dress tunic, and every times this is a big pleasure to discuss about USAAF history. In 2004 i found a canister (see pictures) witch were probably dropped by the 94th Bomb Group 60 years ago (July 14th 1944). In 2006 we have the project to creat a monument dedocated to the men of 8th Air Force who took part in these drop supplies missions. Several other canisters has been found around the area, and we planed to present one of the them to te the museum of the 8th Air Force. This will be possible with the help of Wilbur Richardson who is trying to arrange a ceremony for this occasion. 
Version Française